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7 Tools For Life | Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger

 Let’s discuss  about  ‘Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger’ seven tools for success.

Arnold says In his book ‘Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger’ that these are the seven tools I have used in my life. I have become Mr Lumpia from a village middle-class guy not once, not twice, not thrice, but seven times in a row. After using these seven tools, I went to a different field, acting, and became an action hero. Everyone thought I became an action hero because I am a bodybuilder. Still, they didn’t know that all this was happening because I applied these seven tools in comedy and became a comedian hero.I  applied these tools in politics and became the governor of California. These seven tools are my life’s work, which I have written in my book. So that you can also achieve whatever you want with the help of these seven tools. Let’s discuss more about  ‘Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger’ seven tools for success.


seven tool for man to be success

Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Have A Clear Vision | Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold says In his book ‘Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger’ that the first tool in these seven tools is to have a clear vision. Arnold says it was not just my desire when I fell in love with bodybuilding. I could see that I was standing on the stage, in the number one position. And in the number second and number third positions, my competitors are there. And they are feeling jealous looking at me. And they are also very inspired.

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Wow, Arnold has made such a great body. I could see that I had a trophy in my hand. And I could see that the judges standing in front of me were clapping for me. And all the people there are shouting Arnold, Arnold, Arnold. This was not a desire. It was a memory that would happen to me in the future. In short, tool number one says we will reach that goal if we see our future as a memory. Now, the point is how to make a vision. It is clear that in reaction mode, we can never make a vision.

If someone tells us that we are doing that work, the second, and the third, we won’t be able to make a vision out of that. For that, we need time and space. Arnold says that he got his first vision in 15 years. And the biggest reason for that was that he lived in a small village. Where the roads were dirty, there was no water in his house. And he had a lot of time to daydream. Once, he saw a photo of Ray Park in the school’s magazine. And he thought that he was such a muscular person. But when he read that article, he discovered he is from a village like me, which means I can achieve this.

When Arnold analyzed his life, he realized that his clear vision is made only when walking. He noticed this in Beethoven, too. Whenever he wanted to create a new music piece, he would take paper and a pencil and walk near his house. Even in 2014, he proved it to Stanford University. He took a lot of people and divided them into two groups. He gave creative tasks to these two groups. He told the first group to start doing the creative task directly. And he told the second group to think about the creative task while walking.

When both the results were analyzed, they knew that Group B, who were asked to walk, was more creative than Group A. In short, tool number one is to read books, go to the gym, walk, and do anything. We know exactly where our visions are made. But we need loneliness. Follow that, and prepare a clear vision of what you must do. 


Never Think Small | Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold says In his book ‘Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger’ that the second tool is always tiny. In 1987, Arnold said that he had killed 283 people, but not in reality. In the movie, he became a massive action star. He had become so famous as an action hero that his name was written on the movie’s title—Schwarzenegger, which he had seen in his vision. Whenever a friend or journalist came to meet him, he asked him one question. What is there for Arnold in the future? Arnold says that it meant only one thing. He was thinking that a human, in one birth, can achieve everything he can do. What else can I do in the future? But those people were feeling very small.

I was starting things in my mind. People thought that it was a muscular bodybuilder. So it was not a big deal to become an action hero. But those people wanted to show that apart from muscles, they have a lot of talent. So they told their team that they wanted to become a comedian. Everyone said that you have gone mad. You are earning 20 million dollars for a year. How can you leave that opportunity? No one wants to see your comedian movie. But Arnold was thinking something different. Arnold is a comedy producer. He met Ivan Brittman and told him he wanted to become a comedian.

Upon seeing Arnold’s passion, Ivan realized he had talent but wasn’t ready to pay for any movie. Arnold and Ivan made a comedy script together for a few months and went to a producer. And they told him that Arnold would not charge any fees for it initially. If this movie works and earns profit, then Arnold will take 37.5% profit. Everyone was happy that the film flopped, so at least actor fees would be saved. The name of this movie was Twins, and it became very famous at the box office. And Arnold.

The most exciting thing is that just before this comedy movie, Arnold made two movies. Predator and Commando, in which he was a full-on action movie star. And despite such a significant change, the public greatly liked his work. 

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Work Your Ass Off | Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold says In his book ‘Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger’ that the following mental tool is working your ass off. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norway were the first to go to Mount Everest. For this, they tracked the data for two months. Now imagine that instead of monitoring, they would have sat in a helicopter and dropped the helicopter on Mount Everest.

Do they enjoy it? Do you want it? In short, everyone likes the hard work. Arnold says that from age 15, he practiced 5 hours a day in the gym. But as soon as he shifted to America, he divided his 5 hours into two parts. Morning 2.5 hours, evening 2.5 hours. And there was only one reason for that. None of the bodybuilders he had were ready to work hard like him for 5 hours. And because he needed a friend to lift more weight, he used to train with Franco for 2.5 hours in the morning. And in the evening, Ed Kwan. And work out with Dave Draper. And that’s the only reason that Arnold’s definition of muscle was very good compared to others. Arnold had a habit of working so hard that he read scripts for 5 hours, even during acting. Whether it was good or bad, he would talk to actors and learn from directors. And that’s why he started to know what people like, what type of scripts people like. And he would make a movie on that type of script. If you have seen the Terminator 2 movie, there is this shot in which he flips the shotgun. This scene…

He had practiced for only 2 seconds in the movie, and for this 2-second scene, he had practiced for many weeks. He had practiced so much that his fingers started bleeding. He had also worked hard for the movie Conan the Barbarian. He had a shot in which he ate a dead rat. As soon as the shot was over, he would wash his mouth with alcohol. He did this scene many times when he was not in the mood. But he did not complain. He also had an accident in this movie, which caused him to get 40 stitches in his back. Again.

He didn’t complain about it. He was ready to work hard. The same rule applies to us, too. Whether we want to be a businessman or farmer, go to the Olympics, or travel the world, the purpose is that we are prepared to perform at the moment when the opportunity comes. 

Sell Sell Sell | Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold says In his book ‘Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger’ that  the following rule is called sell, sell, sell. Arnold was very shocked when he came to America. Nobody took bodybuilding seriously there. This was not considered a sport. There were only a few people who read those magazines and did bodybuilding. When Arnold used to meet someone in a shop, he used to say, wow, your muscles are so amazing. You’re a footballer. Arnold used to say, no, guess something else. He used to say, okay, you must be a bouncer. Or a wrestler. But no one used to call him a bodybuilder. When Arnold found out the reason for this, no prominent newspaper or TV channel used to talk about bodybuilding. Now, if someone in the magazine even published about bodybuilding, they would call him a freak. That is, a freeloader.

When bodybuilding competitions were held and published in newspapers, the headlines were like this: some people showed muscles by applying oil to their bodies.

No one talked about his years of hard work. When he asked the other bodybuilders of the Gold Gym, Why do these TV journalists write about us? They said that all these TV journalists are fed up with us. Could you not care about them; ignore them? Arnold said that we can’t ignore them. Will you come with me? We’ll talk to them. We’ll change their narrative. But everyone refused. Arnold hired a man separately.

So that he could have a meeting with his journalist, he gave a lot of interviews to journalists, educated them about bodybuilding, and told them about his hard work and nutrition. Bodybuilding was also gradually considered a sport. Arnold says that while doing bodybuilding, he dreamed of becoming an actor. But if I win in bodybuilding, and nobody appreciates bodybuilding, what’s the use of winning? That’s why I knew I must set a good narrative about the entire bodybuilding industry.

That’s why Arnold says that whether you’re a businessman, a farmer, or a simple family man, you’ll always have to sell your ideas to others. We are responsible for bringing our ideas to people and taking them immediately. 

Shift Gears | Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Shift gears for success

Shift gears

The following rule is Shift Gears. In March 2020, Arnold was watching TV, and the president of America was talking about the coronavirus. Everyone should be alert and wear masks. When Arnold called his local hospital, they discovered no one had a mask. Then, they called other hospitals. They found out that the same is the case there. Doctors wear masks during the day. They go home, wash their masks, and repeat the same mask repeatedly. Arnold was surprised because in 2006, when he was the governor of California, he had kept 200 million dollars for this pandemic, which he called the search capacity initiative. But after that, the governor felt that this pandemic would never come. That’s why they cut the funds, which now means hospitals have no more masks. America is the third largest country in terms of population. And that’s how it was. They also knew that all government officers would not directly talk to any private company like Alibaba to bring masks. And it will take a lot of time. That’s why Arnold took his own $1 million, now eight crore rupees—and then used those eight crores to buy masks from private companies and give them to hospitals. And remember, at that time, he was not a governor of California. He spent his money on this. Arnold says that once, I was watching TV with my children, where many poor people were being shown on TV.

My son said, look, Dad, what will happen to these poor people? The government should do something for them. Arnold said, I am angry. I said, leave the government; what are you doing for them? I went to them and gave them 25 houses with my money. Why don’t you do anything? Similarly, once they saw a pit on the Los Angeles road. They didn’t complain to anyone; they filled the pit themselves.

Arnold says he often meets people who say they don’t have as much money as you do. We can’t help people. Arnold says that if you don’t have money, don’t give them money. If you know how to teach, teach a child a chapter. If you know how to play the guitar, then teach him. Do anything but be useful. And he learned this concept of being applicable from his dad. When Arnold started working on his muscles, his dad was furious.

He used to say, Arnold, be helpful. You think about yourself, make your muscles. Where the woman in front, the neighbor, has grown old. Go and get her vegetables. Or cut wood for her. Only then can you become strong. And this concept has always been in their minds. 



Shut Your Mouth. And Open Your Mind  

The following tool comes, shut your mouth. And open your mind. Arnold used to say that when I was a teenager and used to tell everyone that I wanted to become a professional bodybuilder, everyone used to laugh at me. But there was one person who didn’t laugh at me. His name was Freddy Gustin. Freddy was the father of Arnold’s friend.

Who was actually a Jew, but out of fear of Hitler, he called himself a Catholic and ran away from Germany. Later, he also protested against Hitler. Freddy used to gather many children and take them out into the jungle so they could become confident and self-dependent. Arnold was also among these children. There, Freddy would give lectures about politics, sometimes about sports, and sometimes about animals. One day, Freddy called Arnold and gave him the biggest lesson. Freddy said, look, Arnold, in life, you won’t learn much from school.

but learn from the people around you. And if you want to learn from them, you have to keep your mouth shut and open your mind. Arnold says that he made a mantra of his life with this. And I have only passed high school, but I made the world my classroom. For example, once Vince was doing triceps exercise with very small dumbbells in the gym, on which all the bodybuilders started laughing at him. But Arnold went to Vince and asked him for the benefits of that exercise and set the plan for that exercise the next day.

which benefited him a lot in his triceps. In 1968, Arnold lost to Frank Zane because he was second. Arnold said I started crying after this. I went to my room and started screaming that it was all because of the Americans. I am not an American. And the judges were all Americans. That’s why they won their American guy. But later, they realized that they ate very unhealthy food whenever they were traveling, which did not have the exact definition as Frank Zane’s case.

Then he remembered Freddy’s lesson and called Frank. He asked Frank, can you stay with me for a month and train me how you teach? Surprisingly, Frank agreed, and Frank introduced Arnold for a month. Arnold says I used his skillset to perform better than him and never lost to him. In short, shut your mouth and open your mind. 

Break Your Mirrors 

Break Your Mirrors

Break Your Mirrors, Summary Of Arnold Schwarzenegger


The following tool is called Break Your Mirrors. Arnold says call me Arnold, call me Shwazzy. Or call me Naitree; I won’t feel called. But never call me Self-Made Man because there is no such thing. Arnold is so serious about this that he has written a whole chapter with the names of those who helped him. When I was talking, his best workout was with his friends. They all pushed each other, knowing these people would be their competitors on stage, but they still didn’t stop. Arnold says that most people mean self-made men and that you are very hardworking, but actually.

Nothing like a self-made man. Arnold says that Frank Zane taught me how to work on my body’s definition. Sylvester Stallone helped me in acting. My dad was in the Nazi party. Despite that, two Jews brought me to America. After coming to America, the owner of Gold Gym gave him free bodybuilding. He used to take money from his friends. President George Bush mentored him in politics. Muhammad Ali taught him never to give up and to keep working hard. Arnold says that only direct athletic competition…

Like boxing, cricket, etc, that is a zero-sum game. Apart from that, there is no other zero-sum game. In every other game in the world, we help each other. Life is a win-win game. That’s why break your mirrors. That is, don’t just think about yourself. There is no self-made man. Not even us. Okay, so Arnold has mental tools.


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